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Flagstone features on The Sunday Times 100 list of high-growth private companies

Date published: 28 June 2024

Prestigious lists

Some lists are useful. Your shopping list. Your to-do list. Others are meaningful – like the playlist you made for your significant other. That one time.

But few lists are prestigious – an achievement in their own right. The Sunday Times 100 is one of those. And, this year, Flagstone is on it.

Joining the UK’s fastest-growing private companies

Flagstone has ranked 56th on this year’s Sunday Times 100 list. Compiled and published each December, it recognises the 100 fastest-growing British companies over the past three years.

Featuring on such a list is of course an honour. But it’s also a testament to the trust placed in us by hundreds of partners, and over 600,000 clients. Whether they’ve been with us for three years or three days, we treasure them equally.

We’re joined on the list by 99 fellow British pioneers. You can access the full list at Or you can find the full supplement in the newspaper’s print edition on Sunday 30 June. If you’ve missed the sensation of ink on your fingers.

Celebrating the cash renaissance

Simon Merchant, Flagstone CEO and Co-Founder, commented:

“This is of course a wonderful landmark for our business and our team. But it’s also a good day for another underdog in finance: cash.

“Often side lined and maligned next to shinier assets, cash is now experiencing its rightful renaissance. With interest rates set to stay higher for longer, we’re excited to help savers and businesses manage their cash for years to come.”