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Flagstone’s first TV campaign: smart saving, surprisingly simple

Date published: 27 June 2024

Secret no more

Flagstone is often described as ‘the best kept secret in finance’. With over 600,000 clients, a 4.5/5 Trustpilot rating, and £11bn in deposits on the platform, it’s an appropriate label. But now our first TV advert is live. The secret is out.

Our mission on your television

The TV advert captures the essence of Flagstone’s platform in thirty seconds: smart saving, surprisingly simple.

This evokes the sense of eye-opening ease our clients feel when using Flagstone. The message is amplified by a refreshingly sparse studio space, the world’s simplest Rubik’s cube, and a suitably suave actor. His name is George. No, not that one.

The advert is part of a wider campaign that’s now live across:

  • outdoor billboards
  • podcast audio
  • online media

Whether you’re looking or listening, our campaign won’t be far away.

Billboard revelry

Our outdoor billboard adverts playfully carry the ‘surprisingly simple’ concept. There are three variations for you to spy on your next walk, all of which subvert typically complex games or puzzles:

  • A simplified Rubik’s cube, where every combination spells success
  • A Scrabble game where the right word lands in your lap
  • A tiny chessboard, where every move’s a winner

Our billboards cut complexity down to size. Just like Flagstone.